Using technology to communicate effectively — part 2 & conclusion

Categories: Instruction

Communicating with individuals. When it comes to communicating with individuals, the two most used, and perhaps best, methods are email and phone calls. However, it is too easy to go overboard when trying to contact a specific individual. For example, if you call someone and they do not answer their phone, you might be tempted to email them then call someone else in their office. A better approach that will get a message to the recipient without bombarding them with unnecessary messages from multiple sources is call, leave a voicemail and ask them to call you back. Some people may have special instructions on their voicemail message for contacting them while they are out. If they are out of the office and their voicemail does not provide further instructions, send an email. Many people receive email on their phone and will respond when they have time.

Another important thing to consider is the tone of your message. When talking to someone either in person or on the telephone, you have full control of the tone of the conversation. With email or any other written communication, it is easy for the recipient to read the message in a different way than you meant to portray it. So if you have a message that could be misinterpreted, the best way to communicate would be over the phone or even in person.

Choosing the right communication medium can be difficult to get right. One of the best things to do is keep it simple. If someone communicates with you mainly by email or phone, then use that same method to get back in contact with them. If you are dealing with a more urgent matter, ask them what the best method is for you to contact them. If your preference is to use email or by telephone, make that clear when you communicate. Communication will only be as big of a hassle as you allow it to be.

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