Weed Control with Dr. Manuchehri

Categories: Podcast

This week we invited OSU Extension Weed Scientist, Dr. Misha Manucherhri to discuss weed control in small grains. Dr. Manucherhri hails from the state of Oregon, but has come to feel at home in the Southern Plains after post graduate education at Texas Tech followed by a extension and teaching position here at OSU.

Episode Resources:

Find Dr. Manucherhri on twitter @OSUWeedScience

OSU Weed Science Website

Grass Weed ID, L-316

Mustard ID & Herbicide Options, PSS-2787

Herbicide Options for Wheat, PSS-2786

Ryegrass Control, PSS-2791

Cheat Control, PSS-2774

Resistant Weed Submission Form, PSS-2779

Extension Experience – Insights into Oklahoma Agriculture
Weed Control with Dr. Manuchehri

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