What does the OK Beef Council do for you?

This week Dana is joined by Heather Buckmaster, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Beef Council. They discuss the origins of the state beef councils, the checkoff and how the OBC promotes beef within the state, nation and around the world.

Visit the Oklahoma Beef Council Website

Interested in learning more about the Beef Checkoff? View the new Whiteboard Videos.

Become Beef Quality Assurance Certified

Dana’s new favorite beef council recipe Spy Thai Beef and the unique Beef Sticky Buns

Extension Experience – Insights into Oklahoma Agriculture
What does the OK Beef Council do for you?

Despondency to Euphoria; A look at Wheat and Soybean Markets

In this episode, Trent gives and excellent technical analysis of the current wheat and soybean markets. While volatile, these markets are seeing a positive run. Trent encourages producers to lock in some prices and employ some risk management tools to take advantage this market.

Extension Experience – Insights into Oklahoma Agriculture
Despondency to Euphoria; A look at Wheat and Soybean Markets