Double Crop Talk: Weed Control and Grazing

Categories: Podcast

This week your hosts discuss weed control in double crops. Herbicide selection and management were the main topics with some tips about application in hot conditions. How does stress play a role the effectiveness of a herbicide? What is the value of these crops as forage? What are the implications of grazing a crop that was meant to produce grain? Nitrate Toxicity and prussic acid poisoning are reviewed as timely topics for summer grazers.

Episode links:

Nitrate Toxicity in Livestock (PSS-2903)

Prussic Acid Poisoning in Livestock (PSS-2904)

Understanding Herbicide MoA (PSS-2778)

Soybean Weed Management (PSS-2794)

Soybean Herbicide Options without Dicamba (PSS-2195)

Soybean Pre-Mix Herbicides (CR-2781)

Dr. Brent Bean, Sorghum Checkoff: Sorghum Yield Loss

Grazing Sorghum after Harvest (PSS-2607)

Extension Experience – Insights into Oklahoma Agriculture
Double Crop Talk: Weed Control and Grazing

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