The Likelihood of Returns from Preconditioning Management

This is the second part of a two part series on OQBN and the various management practices associated with it. In this series, Dr. Kellie Raper reports on her finds as the “lady behind the numbers” in the OQBN program. Dana and Kellie look at the value of preconditioning, lot size, sex, castration and dehorning.

This episode looks at the likelihood of returns to a producer who applies different types of preconditioning managements to a herd.

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Cattle Health
The Likelihood of Returns from Preconditioning Management

Is Preconditioning Worth it?

This starts a two part series on OQBN and the various management practices associated with it. In this series, Dr. Kellie Raper reports on her finds as the “lady behind the numbers” in the OQBN program. Dana and Kellie look at the value of preconditioning, lot size, sex, castration and dehorning.

View the OQBN website or order tags

Extension Experience – Insights into Oklahoma Agriculture
Is Preconditioning Worth it?