Weed Control with Dr. Manuchehri

This week we invited OSU Extension Weed Scientist, Dr. Misha Manucherhri to discuss weed control in small grains. Dr. Manucherhri hails from the state of Oregon, but has come to feel at home in the Southern Plains after post graduate education at Texas Tech followed by a extension and teaching position here at OSU.

Episode Resources:

Find Dr. Manucherhri on twitter @OSUWeedScience

OSU Weed Science Website

Grass Weed ID, L-316

Mustard ID & Herbicide Options, PSS-2787

Herbicide Options for Wheat, PSS-2786

Ryegrass Control, PSS-2791

Cheat Control, PSS-2774

Resistant Weed Submission Form, PSS-2779

Extension Experience – Insights into Oklahoma Agriculture
Weed Control with Dr. Manuchehri

Beef Nutrition: Fall to-do List

Your hosts are back to summarize some simple things to get a jump start on fall and winter nutrition for the beef herd. Identify the target (Cows or calves), get a forage test, local feed and supplement options, supplement for cows, and feed for back-grounding calves for wheat or sale are all on the docket for today.

Show notes:

Nutrition and Management Considerations for Preconditioning Home Raised Beef Calves ANSI-3031

Nutrition Requirements of Beef Cattle E-974

Testing Services and Price List for OSU Soil, Water,& Forage Analytical Lab

Collecting Forage Samples for Analysis PSS-2589

Extension Experience Podcast Logo
Beef Nutrition
Beef Nutrition: Fall to-do List

Planning for Canola?

Since the development of winter-tolerant canola, Oklahoma producers have had this crop as an option for rotation within the traditional wheat system. This episode will include a variety of options producers have for canola production in Oklahoma.

The deadline to sign up for Canola Insurance in many places is the end of August.

Show notes:

Managing Winter Canola in Oklahoma PSS-2130

Great Plains Canola Production Handbook, KSU MF2734

Extension Experience – Insights into Oklahoma Agriculture
Planning for Canola?

Choosing a Wheat Variety

This week Josh gets the hot seat by giving us the low-down on wheat variety selection. So many factors go into the selection of a wheat variety that works best for each operation. Soil pH, planting date, first hollow stem, soil temperature are all discussed, along with the aspects of graze out, dual purpose and grain only management styles.

Extension Experience – Insights into Oklahoma Agriculture
Choosing a Wheat Variety

Educator Spotlight: Greg Highfill

This week we get the pleasure of interview, Greg Highfill, Woods County Ag Extension Educator. Greg has an extensive history in OSU Extension. From his initial role in extension as a 4H Educator in Woodward County to Area Livestock Specialist in Enid and then on to Woods County, Greg has wore many hats over the years. Join us for a conversation with one of OSU Extensions most experienced educators.

Episode Resources:

Woods County OSU Extension Website

Extension Experience Podcast Logo
Educator Spotlight
Educator Spotlight: Greg Highfill