Alfalfa Establishment and Maintenance

This week your hosts will focus on the establishment and maintenance of Alfalfa. We invited Tommy Puffinbarger, Alfalfa County OSU Extension Educator, back to give us his perspective on alfalfa production. Tommy has lifelong experience in alfalfa production and hails from a county that is often the top hay producer in the state of Oklahoma.

Show notes:

Alfalfa Stand Establishment PSS-2089

Selecting Alfalfa Varieties PSS-2062

Alfalfa Autotoxicity PSS-2061

Alfalfa Production Guide for the Southern Great Plains E-826

Extension Experience – Insights into Oklahoma Agriculture
Alfalfa Establishment and Maintenance

Educator Spotlight: Tommy Puffinbarger

This week we had a fun conversation with the Alfalfa County OSU Extension Educator, Tommy Puffinbarger. Tommy is an Ag/4H educator in Alfalfa county, where he was born and raised. Tommy has a vast knowledge of agronomy, animal science, and youth development. We discussed some of Tommy’s highlight programs in his career and dove into some of his personal interests. Sit back and enjoy this entertaining conversation!

Show Notes:

Alfalfa County OSU Extension Website

Extension Experience Podcast Logo
Educator Spotlight
Educator Spotlight: Tommy Puffinbarger

Double Crop Talk: Weed Control and Grazing

This week your hosts discuss weed control in double crops. Herbicide selection and management were the main topics with some tips about application in hot conditions. How does stress play a role the effectiveness of a herbicide? What is the value of these crops as forage? What are the implications of grazing a crop that was meant to produce grain? Nitrate Toxicity and prussic acid poisoning are reviewed as timely topics for summer grazers.

Episode links:

Nitrate Toxicity in Livestock (PSS-2903)

Prussic Acid Poisoning in Livestock (PSS-2904)

Understanding Herbicide MoA (PSS-2778)

Soybean Weed Management (PSS-2794)

Soybean Herbicide Options without Dicamba (PSS-2195)

Soybean Pre-Mix Herbicides (CR-2781)

Dr. Brent Bean, Sorghum Checkoff: Sorghum Yield Loss

Grazing Sorghum after Harvest (PSS-2607)

Extension Experience – Insights into Oklahoma Agriculture
Double Crop Talk: Weed Control and Grazing

Fly Control: 5 Things to Know

In this episode, your hosts discuss fly control in beef cattle. Topics that are covered include 1) Identification of the insect, 2) Why control and what are the impacts of no control?, 3) When are flies a problem?, 4) What methods of control are available?, and 5) Resistance Prevention.

Episode Resources:

Recent Livestock and Horn Flies Sunup segment

OSU Livestock Bugs Website featuring information on flies that affect beef cattle

Beef Cattle Ectoparasites Factsheet

Vet PestX is an educational resource for all people dealing with livestock. This resource lists all available insecticide chemicals and their active ingredients of each product which helps to ensure chemical rotation can be achieved.

Extension Experience – Insights into Oklahoma Agriculture
Fly Control: 5 Things to Know