Articles tagged with: Information

Farewell, Calibri: Introducing Aptos

Three years ago, Microsoft announced its intention to move away from using Calibri as the default font for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and other apps in the suite formerly known as Microsoft Office, now known as Microsoft Office 365. After evaluating five candidate fonts, Aptos, formerly known as Bierstadt, has emerged as the winner. What Is Aptos? Why the [ Read More ]

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Service Accounts and Their Uses

What is a Service Account? At Oklahoma State University, employees can request the creation of an additional email address that is separate from their personal OSU email. This email address can be used for communication, social media, or to create accounts for online services like Google, Apple, and others. Service Accounts also have access to [ Read More ]

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Multifactor Authentication and why it is important

Many people are seeing more and more services requiring or suggesting the use of multifactor authentication (MFA) for accessing online systems. MFA is a login process that requires multiple methods of authentication to verify a user’s identity. It combines two or more independent credentials to verify a login. The first credential is based on something [ Read More ]

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Why is Cybersecurity Awareness Important?

This article delves into the reasons why cybersecurity awareness is not just an option, but is very important for individuals, organizations, and society. Protection of Personal Data According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), identity theft remains one of the top consumer complaints. In 2020, the FTC received 1.4 million fraud reports, with identity [ Read More ]

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Using the Accessibility Checker in Microsoft Office 365 Apps

Whether you are creating content for the public or making an internal document for review, making that content accessible is one of the best things you can do for its readability. Accessible documents are generally easier to read, plus you have the added advantage of creating content that most people, including those with disabilities, will [ Read More ]

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End of Life (EOL) Are You Safe?

We all know about our software always wanting to install updates. Windows, Office, Adobe, Zoom, and just about any other software we install. At some point your software wants you to install, buy, download, or do an upgrade to a new version. This usually means the previous software versions will no longer be supported, End of Life (EOL). Now, [ Read More ]

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Best Practices For Hosting a Hybrid Meeting

During this pandemic, in-person and face-to-face meetings can be especially challenging to host and it can be difficult to generate participation. Online meetings have become more accepted and hosting these meetings has become less challenging (hopefully), but still not without potential pitfalls. “Hybrid meetings,” with participants both in person and at a distance, may be [ Read More ]

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Congress repeals FCC privacy rules, but what does it mean for me?

Last month the US Congress passed legislation, subsequently signed into law by the president, that repeals rules adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) last October. But what has changed? Why is there outrage about this new privacy bill?! Why should I care? In October 2016 the FCC adopted rules regarding Internet Service Providers (ISPs) [ Read More ]

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Avoiding Tech Support Scammers – The Latest in Phishing Scams

Avoiding Tech Support Scammers – The Latest in Phishing Scams Scammers do not just send fraudulent emails. They might try to call you on the phone and claim to be from Microsoft or any other legitimate business. They might also setup websites with persistent pop-ups to get you to call a number to fix the [ Read More ]

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Windows 10 says my password is wrong… But I know I’ve entered it correctly!

Coming into the office one morning and turning on your Windows 10 computer, you might find that the password for your user no longer works. After installing an update, Microsoft may have changed the way you sign into the computer. In this article, I will show you how to find out if that has happened, and [ Read More ]

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